The talk gives an overview of my research in the areas of visualizing dynamic networks and temporal data. My vision is to provide domain scientists and other potential visualization practitioners with a variety of interfaces, supporting data exploration as well as presentation. Questions I am addressing are: How can we make visualization as powerful as necessary by making the interface as simple as possible? What can we learn from visualizations for temporal data to visualize dynamic networks? And vice versa? How can we interact with data? And eventually, how can we communicate insights efficiently?
Benjamin is a postdoctoral research fellow with the Visual Computing Group at Harvard University. His research focuses on interactive information visualizations to help domain experts in different domains, including astronomy, history, archeology and neuroscience explore and present their data visually. Research in these areas includes dynamic and multivariate networks, temporal data, storytelling techniques, immersive analytics. Benjamin and has previous been a postdoctoral research fellow with Monash University, Australia and Microsoft Research-Inria Joint Centre. He was a visiting scientist at the University of Washington, WA and Microsoft Research, Redmond. Benjamin obtained his PhD in 2014 from the University Paris-Sud, France. Visit him at