Lane Harrison: Re-Centering Human Centered Visualization
Data visualization is making strides in delivering new tools, techniques, and systems to analysts engaged in data analysis and communication. But providing more options leads to a paradox of choice- how do creators of data visualizations navigate the tradeoffs between available design and techniques? One promising approach towards addressing this growing problem is to quantify […]
Siqi Zhu – Visualizing the City: Now in Progress
Siqi Zhu is a senior designer at Boston-based design firm Sasaki, and a lecturer in information design in the MFA Program in Information Design and Visualization. Previously, he was a research fellow at MIT Senseable City Lab and led the lab’s visualization projects in Cambridge and Singapore. Working at the intersection between information design and […]
NUVis Snippets: EasyPZ with Micha Schwab
Join the Northeastern University Visualization Consortium this Friday for a new series of informal sessions centered around visualization tools, codes, and tricks: NUVis Snippets! Description: Join us this Friday to learn how to use EasyPZ, a new JS library developed at NEU, to enable users to see more detail in your visualizations via pan and zoom, […]
NUVis Snippets: What’s new in D3.js v5.0
Join the Northeastern University Visualization Consortium this Friday for a new series of informal sessions centered around visualization tools, codes, and tricks: NUVis Snippets! Description: Do you use D3.js for your visualization work? You may not know that D3 saw the release of a new version, 5.0, just recently in the past couple of weeks. Join […]
Alyssa Goodman – Seeing the Sky: Visualization & Astronomers
Astronomers have a long history of visualization. Going back only as far as Galileo, discoveries were made using sketches of celestial objects moving over time. Today, Astronomy inquiries can, and often do, make use of petabytes of data at once. Huge surveys are analyzed statistically to understand tiny fluctuations that hint at the fundamental nature […]