NUVis Snippets: What’s new in D3.js v5.0
Join the Northeastern University Visualization Consortium this Friday for a new series of informal sessions centered around visualization tools, codes, and tricks: NUVis Snippets! Description: Do you use D3.js for your visualization work? You may not know that D3 saw the release of a new version, 5.0, just recently in the past couple of weeks. Join […]
Spring 2018 Demofest
Featuring Spring 2018 Visualization Courses Student Projects Coffee, tea, and treats will be served. Come mix and mingle with your fellow visualization-minded faculty, staff, and students at the Spring 2018 NUVis Demofest! This event will feature exhibit tables with students from Spring 2018 visualization courses across the university displaying and demoing their course projects. We […]
NUVis Design Briefs: A Visual Guide to ‘The Big Lebowski’
Join the Northeastern University Visualization Consortium on Thursday, September 20 for the start of a short series of informal sessions centered around the process and practice of visualization: NUVis Design Briefs! Description: Join Steven Braun, Data Analytics and Visualization Specialist in the Northeastern University Libraries Digital Scholarship Group, to hear about Steven’s work on his recent […]
NULab/NUVis: What’s the Story? A Panel on Digital Storytelling
Join NULab and NUVis for an interdisciplinary panel on digital storytelling! This panel will launch the NULab’s 2018-2019 theme on digital storytelling and feature Northeastern and NULab faculty members whose work incorporates digital storytelling: Michelle Borkin, Computer Science, “Visual data-driven storytelling” Pedro Cruz, Information Visualization, “Data-driven generative storytelling” Elizabeth Maddock Dillon, English, “Narrative theory” Élika […]
Geoff Boeing – The Legibility of Urban Spatial Order in Computational Street Network Analysis
Human movement through cities is largely constrained to pre-designed spatial networks that embody values of power, aesthetics, and prevailing technology. The quality of urban spaces – and for whom these spaces perform – rests upon these outcomes of urban design and architecture. Although circulation networks critically underlie city mobility and human dynamics, it can be […]